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Squash TM 3.0 Release

This version includes the following evolutions: High level requirements management, Integration with two new bugtrackers: GitLab and Azure DevOp

Squash TM 3.0 is now available for download.

This new version contains the following improvements:

  • Manage high-level requirements;

  • Integrate two new bugtrackers: GitLab and Azure DevOps;

  • Search and report automated test case attributes;

  • Improvement of the application's ergonomy and performances.

For the complete list of the improvements and bug fixes, please read the version's release notes.

This version comes with a new version numbering system. For more information, you can read our dedicated FAQ for more information.

Discover Squash TM 3.0's main new features hereunder

Manage High-Level Requirements

Available with the Squash TM Premium license

High-level requirements describe a macro-feature or a block of features that can be cut into multiple standard requirements.

This new type of requirement enables you to organize and manage the repository by adding a higher level above the standard requirements.

Even if there is a hierarchy between high-level requirements and standard requirements, the links between these two types of requirements are not restricted by the tree of requirements.

Depending on the organization of the projects, these links can be:

  • in the tree view. Standard requirements are viewed as sub-requirements of a high-level requirement (Standard requirements 2 and 3 in the screenshot down below)

  • an association between the high-level requirement and standard requirements belonging to another part of the tree of requirements (Standard requirements 1 and 4 in the screenshot down below)

High-level requirements describe a macro-feature or a block of features that can be broken down into several classical requirements

Regardless of the organization of your repository, standard requirements linked to a high-level requirement are taken into account when calculating coverage indicators. From a high-level requirement, you can also view the test cases and issues associated with the requirements that are linked to that high-level requirement.

Whatever the organization of the standard, the classic requirements attached to the high level requirement are taken into account in the calculation of the coverage indicators

Regarding the search, a new option enables you to extend the perimeter of high-level requirements to get all the linked standard requirements in your search results, even if they are not in the initial search perimeter.

A new option allows you to extend the scope of the high-level requirements to return all the classic requirements attached to

When conceiving execution plans, this feature also enables you to easily identify all the test cases that directly or indirectly verify a high-level requirement.

To make the most of this feature with your existing assets, you can turn a standard requirement into a high-level requirement.

This feature allows you to easily identify all test cases that directly or indirectly verify a high-level requirement

Integrate Gitlab and Azure DevOps as Bugtrackers

Squash TM 3.0 enables you to integrate two new bugtrackers: Gitlab and Azure DevOps*.

This enables you to:

  • report an issue in the bugtracker from a Squash TM execution;

  • link an existing issue with a Squash TM execution;

  • automatically pre-fill the issue's description with information on the test and steps to make a copy of it;

  • track in real time the progress of the troubleshooting of issues in Squash TM via summary tables.

*Integration with Azure DevOps only available with the Squash TM Premium license


You can now search or create custom charts on automated test case attributes.

L'association de vos cas de test se retrouve simplifié avec le nouveau plan d'exécution sur Squash TM 2.0

It is now possible to search or create custom graphs on the attributes of automated test cases

This new version also restores the print feature for requirements and test cases.

This new version also restores the functionality of printing requirements and test cases

Improved ergonomics and performance

Squash TM 3.0 also comes with ergonomic improvements:

  • Manually resize table columns (execution plans, search results, association tables, automation workspace views);

  • In association tables, display the location of items by hovering above them;

  • In libraries, add an option to shorten names that are too long from the left or right.

Finally, the performance when deleting campaigns is improved with this version.


Try the new interface of Squash TM via our online demo

by clicking on the button below :


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