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Integrate Squash
into a CI/CD build

You practice CI/CD?

You are looking for a tool to easily operate your automated functional test asset into your CI/CD pipeline?

Squash makes it easy to interface your functional test asset with your continuous integration build.

Why Squash?

Why Squash?

Squash is the solution to integrate

functional testing to your CI/CD build:

Squash is integrated into your Continous Delivery pipeline at the validation stage of your functional tests before the deployment on the production environment
The integration of Squash to your continuous integration tool is simplified by a Jenkins plugin and a pre-packaged server

A tool designed to be easily integrated into your CI/CD pipeline.

The Squash Autom orchestrator is a service that can be easily called from any CI/CD tool and its Jenkins plugin makes its use within the latter even more natural.

With Squash, the choice of tests to be integrated in the test plan is up to the team of functional testers

Execute test plans defined by functional scope.

Thanks to the Squash TM execution plan retrieval micro-service of the Squash DevOps offer, delegate the choice of tests to be executed to functional testers.

The reports and indicators extracted from the execution of your tests are updated in real time in Squash TM

Share automated test results with the functional domain automatically.

Once your automated functional tests are completed, the results are directly shared with the functional domain in Squash TM: your progress indicators and the total testing results (manual and automation) are updated in real time in Squash TM.


How does it work?

How does it work?

Adapt your CI/CD tool to Squash easily

Click on each line below to expand its content.

Squash allows you to operate your organized automated test asset by being interfaced with your continuous integration pipeline
A Jenkins plugin and a pre-packaged server allow Squash TF to integrate your CI/CD tool as naturally as possible
Squash DevOps interfaces with Azure DevOps
AWS Codebuild allows you with Squash DevOps to integrate your tests in a continuous integration chain
Squash DevOps and CI Clouds for integration in your continuous deployment chain
Automation of tests and their integration in a DevOps pipeline with Squash DevOps and XebiaLabs XL




Azure DevOps

AWS Codebuild





Integrate functional tests into your CI/CD pipeline easily

Click on the line below to expand its content.

Analyse and share your results in Squash

Click on the first line below to expand its content.

Try and start

Try and start

Test out our demo instance:

1. Click here to access Squash

2. Enter login and password (you will find the info on the welcome page of the demo)

3. Go to the Test Case workspace (navigation bar on the left-hand side, 2nd button).

4. In the tree structure, click on the “Xsquash4Jira - Sandbox” project.

5. Click on [+], then [New BDD test case]

6. Let's go!

Try on your own instance: 

Discover our Squash offer and contact us for more information or to start your free 30-day trial of “Squash in SaaS mode”.

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