The Docker images of Squash and OpenTestFactory are now signed.
The signature of Docker images enhances the security of your containerized applications by ensuring that only verified and untampered images are used in your environments.
The transition of unsigned to signed images should have had no impact on you (you can use them with the same Docker commands). But, due to some technical issues, we are unable to sign the squashtest/squash-tm image. So, we decided to provide the Squash TM signed image as squashtest/squash. For the whole 2024 year, we will provide both the squashtest/squash-tm unsigned image and the squashtest/squash signed image. But in 2025, we will discontinue the creation of squashtest/squash-tm images. This means that, during 2024, you must update your installation scripts, so they use squashtest/squash instead of squashtest/squash-tm.
As a side note, the image for the Squash Ultimate micro-services (enabling those having an old Squash AUTOM Premium license or a new Squash Ultimate license to access the commercial test automation features) will disappear with the Orchestrator 4.9.0 (in 2024-01). All micro-services, Community or Ultimate, will be in the Squash Orchestrator image, the Ultimate micro-services being conditioned by the presence of an Ultimate license.
As a reminder, here is the list of all the images we provide:
Image | Content | URL | Signed | Comment |
squashtest/squash-tm | Squash TM | No | This image will not be provided after 2024-12-31. You must transition to the next one. | |
squashtest/squash | Squash TM | Yes |
| |
squashtest/squash-orchestrator | Squash Orchestrator | Yes |
| |
squashtest/squash-autom-premium | Squash Ultimate micro-services | N/A | No | This image is discontinued. The last one delivered is 3.13.0 (in 2023-12). |
opentestfactory/maven-runner | Execution environment to run Cucumber and JUnit tests | Yes | ||
opentestfactory/robot-framework-runner | Execution environment to run Robot Framework tests | Yes | ||
opentestfactory/allinone | OpenTestFactory Orchestrator | Yes | This is the orchestrator on which Squash Orchestrator is based. It is listed here for completion, but you should not have to install it except if you want to contribute to the open-source OpenTestFactory project. |
The signature can be verified using the “docker trust inspect” command:

For more information, see https://docs.docker.com/engine/security/trust/.