On the 6th of June, the Squash User Club spotlighted the new Squash TF component release. This release includes a new Junit connector in the Squash Keyword Framework, a new report dedicated to the Cucumber executions and an IntelliJ IDEA plugin aiming at making the automated test writing easier (downloads here).
More good news, a Squash TF training schedule is available on the Henix website. This training is composed of three complementary modules (TF-1, TF-2 and TF-3) to help you handle this automated test implementation and execution solution. The module objectives are listed below:
Module TF-1: Automation with Squash Keyword Framework
(for Automation testers)
✓ Master the Squash Keyword Framework (SKF) keywords and their integration into Squash TF
✓ Use SoapUI Open Source to automate your web service testing
✓ Automate your web HCI testing using Selenium/Junit
✓ Use Appium to automate your mobile applications
Module TF-2: BDD native code Automation
(for Automation developers)
✓ Implement an automation workflow in a BDD context in Squash ecosystem
✓ Use SoapUI Open Source to automate your web service testing
✓ Automate your web HCI testing using Selenium/Junit
✓ Use Appium to automate your mobile applications
Module TF-3: Test execution and orchestration
(for Automation testers and developers)
✓ Master the test execution industrialization with Squash TF execution server
✓ Implement a multi-environment configuration in order to meet specific needs
✓ Configure the link between Squash TM and Squash TF in order to execute tests and update execution status on Squash TM
✓ Read and interpret reporting results on Squash TF
Our trainings are given in French, feel free to contact us if you need Squash training in English at news@squashtest.com.