The 9.0 delivery of Squash TM and 2024-11 & 2025-01 delivery of Squash Orchestrator contain the following features:
First steps towards automated test results analysis
Customize permissions of Requirement, Test Case and Action Workspaces
Automation of Squash TM database release upgrades
Configuring Xsquash4GitLab in project templates
Enhanced association of an existing GitLab issue with an execution
GitLab ticket status taken into account in integration between Squash TM and GitLab
Display of the number of tickets synchronized via Xsquash4Jira and Xsquash4GitLab
Deleting objects of the Reporting Workspace via API
Improvement of source code management servers
Exploiting parameters for SoapUI tests
Improved performance for importing test cases via Excel
Security audit
Feature removals
Deprecated features
The full list of new features and bug fixes is available on Squash TM 9.0, Squash Orchestrator 2024-11. and Squash Orchestrator 2025-01.
First steps towards automated test results analysis
Requires the Squash TM Premium plugin and the Squash Premium offer.
Automated tests with a failed status will now display the error message directly in the detail screen, without having to open the execution report.This feature currently applies to all test technologies except UFT.
If a bugtracker is linked to the project, it will thus be possible to link an anomaly (newly created or already existing) to the ITPI error message so that the next time there is a failure for the same reason, the anomaly will automatically come up.

Three types of indicators have also been added to speed up the analysis phase:
A failed test whose cause of failure is unknown will be indicated as “to be analyzed”, unlike a test that already has a linked anomaly;
A test that oscillates regularly between success and failure without a linked anomaly will be indicated as “flaky”;
A successful test whose previous execution failed will be indicated as “fixed”.
These indicators can be used to quickly highlight that an action is required, whether it's an anomaly creation, a script maintenance, an anomaly closure, etc.

Customize permissions of Requirement, Test Case and Action Workspaces
Requires the Squash Ultimate offer.
Following the addition in version 8.0 of the new user profile management area, functionality has been extended, and it is now possible to configure permissions for the Requirements, Test Cases and Actions Workspaces. The permissions matrix has also been updated with each system profile.

In addition, users can now be migrated from one profile to another, facilitating the mass transfer of authorizations.

Automation of Squash TM database release upgrades
The purpose of this feature is to automate database version upgrades (if desired by the Squash TM administrator). The squash.db.update-mode parameter is initialized in the Squash TM configuration file, and can contain the following values:
interactive: default value, the interactive mode asks for confirmation in the Squash TM launch window of the wish to update the database automatically,
forced: the forced mode launches the database update as soon as Squash TM is started,
only: the only mode checks that the database version is compatible with the Squash TM version installed. The database is upgraded if necessary. Squash TM then stops, whether or not the database has been upgraded.
disabled: Squash TM does not update the database on its own initiative. If the database has not been upgraded, Squash TM shuts down with an explicit message in the logs.
Configuring Xsquash4GitLab in project templates
It is now possible to configure Xsquash4GitLab in project templates.
When creating a project from a template, or associating a project with a template, an option allows you to easily link the plugin's configuration so that these projects inherit it without having to set it up again.
A project can also be transformed into a template without losing its configuration.
These additional options make using project templates quicker and simpler for the user.

Enhanced association of an existing GitLab issue with an execution
You can now search for a GitLab issue to be associated with a Squash TM execution by its name and description, in addition to searching by ID.This search is performed through autocompletion, and you can choose to show or hide closed issues in the results.This search mode saves the user from having to look up the ID in GitLab, streamlining the association process and making it more efficient and user-friendly.

Furthermore, it is now possible to chain issue associations to an execution, without needing to close and reopen the window, regardless of the bug tracker being used.
GitLab ticket status taken into account in integration between Squash TM and GitLab
In order to track the progress of a development or correction more effectively, Squash TM version 9.0 now retrieves the status (open / closed) of GitLab tickets.
This applies both to requirements (this value is added to the mapping available in the Xsquash4GitLab configuration) and to anomalies (known anomaly tables will now display the status of associated tickets in GitLab).
This value will be updated at each synchronization launch.

Display of the number of tickets synchronized via Xsquash4Jira and Xsquash4GitLab
In the synchronization supervision table and on the configuration page of the Xsquash4Jira and Xsquash4GitLab plugins, a column now displays the number of successfully synchronized tickets in relation to the total number of synchronized tickets.

Deleting objects of the Reporting Workspace via API
In order to automate project deletion, Squash TM API now allows you to delete all objects of the Reporting Workspace and retrieve the main information related to these objects.
Improvement of source code management servers
Sometimes, some people use Git in an improper way, for example by rewriting some part of the repository history on the Git server by performing a “git push --force”. Other times, they do not respect the rule that the scripts created by Squash TM for BDD test cases should not be modified by someone or something else than Squash TM.
These actions can prevent the local repository from synchronizing with the remote repository. To address these issues, Squash TM’s UI now provides a button to delete and recreate the local repository for repairing such problems.

Additionally, the deletion of a Git repository in Squash TM’s UI now also removes the repository from the file system (on previous Squash TM versions, an administrator had to manually delete the repository from the disk).
Exploiting parameters for SoapUI tests
Squash Orchestrator enables automated tests to use Squash parameters. While this functionality was previously available for most testing technologies, SoapUI was the sole exception. The 2024-11 (4.15) release now extends this capability to SoapUI tests.

Improved performance for importing test cases via Excel
Importing test cases via Excel files has been drastically improved, both in terms of speed of execution and memory requirements. Whereas importing 4,000 test cases, for example, could take several hours and require Squash TM to have 4 GB of memory in previous versions, version 9.0 requires just a few minutes and 2 GB of memory. You can also load even larger files. Version 10.0 will see this evolution applied to requirement imports via Excel.
Security audit
Regarding security, Squash TM 9.0 has been successfully audited by Ziwit (https://www.ziwit.com/en/), a French certified cybersecurity auditor. The audit consisted of a penetration test. No vulnerabilities were detected.