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New component release for test automation with Squash

Updated: Jun 18, 2021

Among notable improvements:

Squash TF execution server : 2.2.0-RELEASE

Major improvements:

SKF (Squash Keyword Framework): 1.13.0-RELEASE

Major improvements:

New metadata feature (which handles the autolink between Squash TM test cases and SKF automated tests). More info on the subject here:

Upgrade of the SoapUI library embedded in the SoapUI plugin (5.5.0)

Upgrade of the Selenium library embedded in the Selenium plugin (3.141.59)

  • Transition to Selenium 3 (Selenium 2 et 3 compatibility)

  • Creation of a Selenium legacy plugin for Selenium 1 compatibility

IntelliJ plugin: 0.0.2-RELEASE

Major improvements:

The autocompletion of macros has been improved

New syntax rules have been added

Cucumber Java Runner: 1.2.0-RELEASE

Major improvements:

You may now use a relative path for tf.feature ( ta.feature ) command line parameter (relative to the root of the project)

You don't have to always use the absolute path anymore.

Java Junit Runner: 1.1.0-RELEASE

Major improvements:

New metadata feature (which handles the autolink between Squash TM test cases and automated tests). More info on the subject here:

All artefacts and release notes are available here:


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