The Squash AUTOM and Squash DEVOPS 2023-05 delivery is available:
The new version of the Squash Orchestrator requires much less RAM than the previous releases: 2GB should be allocated to the container instead of 5GB for the previous versions. We expect to further reduce the memory requirements in future releases.
Cypress support has been improved: the screenshots generated during a test are now collected and transferred as a tar file in Squash TM.
Logs have been improved to help analyzing issues: all steps have now an ID, the orchestrator generates one if none was specified in the PEaC; a notification is generated for each step, it contains the ID, outcome, and conclusion of the step; the logs of the SSH channel are less verbose.
As a reminder, new versions of Squash AUTOM and DEVOPS are delivered monthly (except in August).
2023-05 will add the support of hooks for jobs.
Every AUTOM/DEVOPS delivery contains several components having each one its own version numbers. You can view them in the Release Notes by version.