Squash TM is natively linked to Mantis bugtracker but also supports, via connector plugins, Jira, Bugzilla, Redmine and RTC.
To configure a bugtracker, follow these steps:
1. Add a bugtracker
Prerequisite: The plugin is installed
1. In the Administration home page, click on the [Bugtracker] button.
2. Click on [Add a bugtracker], a pop-up windows is displayed:

3. Fill the requested fields in
NameKind: Drop down menu with bugtrackers (depending on the installed plugins)
Url: url of the bugtracker. ex: http://localhost/mantis
Displays in iframe: if the checkbox is ticked, the bugtracker will be displayed in the workspace (on the right area of the screen) when clicking on the Bugtracker workspace button of the navigation bar. If the checkbox is unticked, it will open in a new window. Warning: some bugtrackers do not support this function.
4. Click on [Add]. The bugtracker workspace table is updated.
2. Link a bugtracker to a Squash TM project
1. In the administration home page, click on the [Projects] button.
2. Add a project or click on the name of a project.
3. In the Bugtracker section, fill the following fields:
‘Bugtracker’ field: select the bugtracker added in the first step
‘Project name’ field: the exact project name in the bugtracker
Squash TM project can be linked to several bugtracker projects. Several Squash TM projects can be linked to the same bugtracker project