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How to use and configure an external database with Squash TM?

Updated: Aug 23, 2021

Squash TM comes with an embedded H2 database for testing purpose only. To use it in production, you need to connect Squash TM to a MariaDB or PostgreSQL database.

Use a MariaDB database

Step 1: Configure MariaDB

  • Create a new database with UTF8 encoding for Squash TM, and grant all rights on this database for a user: CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS squashtm CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin; CREATE USER 'squash-tm'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'my_password'; GRANT ALL ON squashtm.* TO 'squash-tm'@'localhost'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;

  • Create a user with the grants select/insert/update/delete/create temporary tables on this database.

  • Check the following information in the MariaDB configuration file (my.cnf or my.ini): default-storage-engine = InnoDB max_allowed_packet=X (where X is the max authorized size of attachments by Squash. By default, the application is set to 2Mo,ie X=2M)

  • Restart MariaDB

Step 2: Populate Squash TM database

  • Use the script 'mysql-full-install.sql' found in the folder 'database-scripts/' of the Squash TM package to populate the database you just created (the database administrator executing this script must have SUPER privilege).

Step 3: Configure Squash TM to use the MariaDB database

  • Edit the following parameters in the startup file: DB_TYPE=mysql DB_URL=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/squashtm DB_USERNAME=squash-tm DB_PASSWORD=my_password

  • You can use the user created above with the grants select/insert/update/delete/create temporary tables on the database.

Step 4 : Launch Squash TM

  • Restart Squash TM

  • Log on Squash TM with default administrator login admin/admin

Use a PostgreSQL database

Step 1: Configure PostgreSQL

  • Make sure that the plpgsql and uuid-ossp extensions are available with your PostgreSQL installation, by checking that they appear when you run the select * from pg_available_extensions; command. Contact your database administrator if this is not the case.

  • Create a new database with UTF8 encoding for Squash TM, and grant all rights on this database for a user: CREATE DATABASE squashtm WITH ENCODING='UTF8'TEMPLATE = template0; CREATE USER "squash-tm" WITH PASSWORD 'my_password'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE squashtm TO "squash-tm";

Step 2: Populate Squash TM database

  • Use the script 'postgresql-full-install.sql' found in the folder 'database-scripts/' of the Squash TM package to populate the database you just created (the database administrator executing this script must have SUPERUSER privileges).

Step 3: Configure Squash TM to use the PostgreSQL database

  • Edit the following parameters in the startup file: DB_TYPE=postgresql DB_URL=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/squashtm DB_USERNAME=squash-tm DB_PASSWORD=my_password

Step 4 : Launch Squash TM

  • Restart Squash TM

  • Log on Squash TM with default administrator login admin/admin


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