Services and expertise
Squash Services are here to guide you every step of the way
to implement Squash.
We can offer various services to support you, such as:
Proof of concept
Study of your needs by an expert, based on various thematic focus and considering all the possible options for using Squash, from test asset management to test automation.
This POC (Proof Of Concept) offer aims to:
Answer any question prior to the decision to adopt Squash:
Adequacy regarding technical context, methodological context (Agile, BDD...) or organizational/HR context (coordination between actors, reworking existing resources, actor maturity)
Financial relevance (cost, automation ROI) and non-financial relevance (quality, reliability, time to market, team motivation and other positive externalities)
Provide you with the elements required to start the implementation project (cost, perimeter, deadline)
We can support your installation of the tool, by:
Defining options to fit your needs
Defining the technical architecture
Providing a study on dimensioning
We can migrate your database from your current tool, such as HP ALM ( learn more ) or Testlink , to Squash. We can also help you to migrate:
Test case
Automated scripts
User accounts
Tool onboarding guidance
Squash experts will help you to get started with the tool, according to your needs.
This includes supports for implementation management, project management, and team management. For example, regarding:
Tool implementation
Testing strategy
Training for your test team
Tool expertise
This support can also include guidance and change management .
Squash training
Our Squash experts can train your users to our test tool and methodologies.
In France, we rely on our subsidiary "L'Ecole de la Qualité Logicielle" (Software Quality School).
For training courses abroad, please send an e-mail to
Une formation sur le pilotage
et l'administration fonctionnelle
de Squash
(en savoir plus)
Une formation sur l'automatisation des tests en BDD
avec Gherkin/Cucumber et Squash
(en savoir plus)
Une formation sur l'automatisation des tests avec Selenium/Appium/SoapUI et Squash
(en savoir plus)
Une formation
sur l'installation et l'administration technique de Squash
(en savoir plus)